Sunday Service 10:30am
Wednesday Small Group Bible study 6:30pm
Phone 504-347-1614
email: admin@crosscommunity.net
Vision- “We exist to glorify God by making disciple makers in diverse communities.”
Mission- “To
create an diverse community who love God, lead well, and live the Gospel.”
What to expect
You can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging in multi-cultural and multi-generational worship, and gospel-centered preaching. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed.
Community Groups
Groups at Cross Community are made up of people just like you. Group members provide weekly support, study the Bible, and pray for one another.
Troy gause
Lead Elder
Pastor Troy and his wife Chanel are lifelong residents of the New Orleans Metro Area. They have been married since 2005 and have four children: Jajuan (boy), Rayelynn, Troiana and Tamera.
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